Friday, 11 June 2010

Baby Deli & Junior Deli

Baby Deli is an Irlam based company supplying specialist baby-food products for the more discerning parent and restaurant. A local success story in the sense that their business has expanded this year to include two new restaurants, Baby Deli, perhaps might also be considered as a prime example of niche marketing. The theory goes that in a Post-Fordist and global world, there will be ever-expanding opportunities for small suppliers to occupy niche positions where outputs are too small for larger companies to operate profitably. This leaves markets gaps for small operators like Baby Deli. I guess the danger is that many small companies who do this well eventually come to the attention of larger suppliers, and become subject to buy-outs or takeovers. The now defunct DTI estimated in the 1990s that almost 80% of British SME's (small to medium sized enterprises) have lifespans of less than 5 years - some fail, but many are simply bought out to become parter of much larger enterprises.

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